Three persons hand to hand
Alexandra Sabalier
April 14, 2020
3 min

5 Ways You Can Help During a Pandemic

COVID-19 has changed life as we knew it. This virus presents a risk to all of us, but people who are subject to a higher risk from COVID-19 include the elderly, and people who suffer from pre-existing conditions.

For the most fortunate, this virus has created a crisis that has only resulted in the restriction of everyday freedoms and enjoyments. But for the less fortunate, this virus presents a real life threat, or has taken the health and life of a loved one. It is an unfortunate situation that everyone wants to overcome once and for all because it has caused suffering, pain, frustration, and instability. All feelings that are not easily confronted, and that can leave even the best of us feeling helpless.

But you should not feel constantly unmotivated or discouraged. Even in a Pandemic crisis like this one, a helping hand can be extended (just not quite literally) and there’s more than one way in which you can help yourself by helping others!

These are 5 ways in which you can HELP In times of Coronavirus:

1. Stay Home

Social distancing has been the request and mandate of the German Government. This is the most effective way to keep yourself away from risk of getting infected with the virus, and even more so if your intention is to help, this is the most effective way to ascertain that you will not pose a risk to anyone you come in contact with.

2. Grocery Shopping

People who pertain to a higher risk group may be choosing to stay at home for cautions reasons, but also fear may play a factor in their decision to stay at home even if they’re lacking their basic necessities: like groceries. This is where help can come in handy, and an offer to pick up groceries to a neighbor or a family member who is unable to do so, may be the perfect way to help in a time of need.

3. Buy from a small business or local shop

These times are being difficult for so many because not only is it affecting daily activities, it is also affecting economic activities. Small businesses are suffering the impact of an economic recession and businesses owners are carrying with them an extra weight and preoccupation with them. Perhaps they have dependent employees, or perhaps is their only means to provide for their own families. The truth is that small businesses are in need of support right now, and although they are prohibited from opening their doors to the public right now, online purchases can be made from countless businesses, and they will most likely deliver at the time most convenient. Of course the purpose should be to provide support to these businesses, not to increase the risk of infection by engaging in commercial activities. Thus, patience in receiving the item purchased is highly advisable.

4. Donate to the homeless

There are more ways than one in which you could help the homeless during these pressing times, but donations are by far the easiest way to extend a helping hand to this community without actually exposing yourself to leave your home. Usually the homeless receive money from what they can collect from people on the street. But because the vast majority of us are staying home and practicing social distance, homeless are left unprotected without a home to call their own, without proper ways to find where or what to eat, and without their usual means of finding donations. For these reasons, online platforms have been created to ease this situation for the homeless, and to facilitate the access of homeless to donations and means of living. Through these online platforms you could make donations to the less fortunate without leaving your home. These donations are then operated by the organizations which distribute the money directly to the homeless in the streets, and provide them with food and shelter in. If interested, you can find more information here

5. Stay connected

Loved ones, family, friends, and colleagues are all going through the same experience as you, and a video call, a phone call, or even a text message can go a long way. It is important to keep in touch and to stay connected while self isolating and keeping social distance, because this is a difficult situation and even more so for those who are living it (responsibly) day by day in the loneliness of their home. Think of the people in your life who might not have a partner, or any family members living with them- and give them a call or start a chat with them. This will serve you well: by listening to a familiar voice, while simultaneously helping them: by making them realize that you thought of them, and that even in the distance you are in their company.

The interesting aspect of a health crisis of this magnitude is that we can all become doctors, nurses, and sanitation workers. We can all wear our “White Coats” because we are each other's cure, protection, treatment, and saviors simply by being solidary with one another.

So please let’s stay home, let’s stay safe, and let’s stay united in distance!

*In this link you can find more information, and regular updates made by the German government, provided in six languages for your convenience, so that you stay up to date and informed on the latest news regarding this crisis. Please note that the German government has urged all people to avoid social interaction and social contact in solidarity with risk groups, as well as sanitation and health workers.

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