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Alexandra Sabalier
May 08, 2023
2 min

Tax Benefits Provided by the Puerto Rico Tax Laws for Remote Workers

Puerto Rico has long been a popular destination for individuals and businesses because of this island's rich culture, loving people, beautiful scenery, and favorable climate. And now, recent changes to Puerto Rico's tax laws have made the island an even more attractive location for those seeking to minimize their tax burdens.

In this post, we'll explore the new tax benefits available in Puerto Rico, including tax incentives for individuals and businesses, as well as the requirements for benefiting from these incentives.

Individual Tax Benefits

Puerto Rico's new tax laws provide a number of benefits for individuals looking to move to the island or establish residence there. For example, individuals who establish residence in Puerto Rico may be eligible for a 4% income tax rate, as opposed to the 37% top marginal rate that applies to income in the United States. This tax rate applies to income earned in Puerto Rico and income earned outside of Puerto Rico that is not derived from a U.S. source.

In addition, individuals who establish residence in Puerto Rico may be eligible for other tax benefits, such as exemption from Puerto Rico's capital gains tax, which is currently set at a maximum rate of 10%.

To qualify for these tax benefits, individuals must meet certain requirements, including:

  • Spending at least 183 days a year in Puerto Rico
  • Establishing a tax home in Puerto Rico
  • Demonstrating that they are not residents of any other state or territory of the United States

Business Tax Benefits

Puerto Rico's new tax laws also provide a number of benefits for businesses looking to establish operations on the island. For example, businesses that operate in Puerto Rico may be eligible for a 4% corporate tax rate, as opposed to the 21% federal corporate tax rate in the United States. In addition, businesses that export goods or services from Puerto Rico may be eligible for a reduced tax rate of 3.5%.

To qualify for these tax benefits, businesses must meet certain requirements, including:

  • Establishing a physical presence in Puerto Rico
  • Creating jobs for Puerto Rican residents
  • Conducting business primarily in Puerto Rico

What can you do to maximize your possibility of benefiting from these options?

Puerto Rico's recent changes to its tax laws have made the island an even more attractive destination for individuals and businesses looking to minimize their tax burdens. With a 4% income tax rate for individuals and a 4% corporate tax rate for businesses, Puerto Rico provides a compelling alternative to higher-tax jurisdictions.

However, it's important to note that taking advantage of these tax benefits requires meeting certain residency and operational requirements, so it's important to consult with a tax professional to ensure that you're eligible for these incentives.

To fully understand and take advantage of the tax benefits provided by Puerto Rico's tax laws, it's important to schedule a consultation with a tax professional who is familiar with the intricacies of these laws. At Sabalier Law, I can provide guidance on the specific requirements for establishing residence or business operations in Puerto Rico and can help ensure that you meet all of the necessary criteria to qualify for the tax incentives. Additionally, I can provide advice on tax planning strategies that can help you maximize your savings under these laws. So, if you're considering relocating to Puerto Rico or establishing business operations there, be sure to schedule your consultation at your earliest convenience to make the most of these tax benefits.

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